Terms of use

Copyright and Trademark

Information posted on this Website by G & Y is protected by copyright law in various countries, various conventions and other laws. The copyrights to any individual text information, images, design, etc., that are displayed and/or contained on any page of this Website shall belong to G & Y or to the original author. Company names, service names, product names, etc., that are displayed and/or contained on any page of this Website are the trademarks or the registered trademarks of the relevant companies unless otherwise specified.

Restrictions on Usage of Information

Customers accessing any page may freely display such page for non-profit purposes only unless otherwise prohibited or restricted on such page. Customers may download or print any page or individual text information, images, design, etc., contained on any page for personal usage purposes. However, customers shall not use any page or individual text information, images, design, etc., contained thereon for purposes other than above and in any format other than above without the approval of G & Y.

Linked Sites

The contents of Websites other than those operated by G & Y that are linked to this Website ("Linked Sites") are not under the management of G & Y. G & Y shall assume no responsibility for the contents of Linked Sites and any damage sustained by the usage of such sites. Please use Linked Sites in accordance with the terms and conditions for the use of each Linked Site. Please see "http://gny.myvnc.com" if you wish to establish a link to this Website.

G & Y Policies Concerning Proposals by Customers

While we sometimes receive inquires from customers about the possibility of submitting proposals concerning products, technology, ideas, designs, business, etc., ("Proposals"), our policy is to refrain from accepting such Proposals in principle because there may be cases in which research and development activities independently conducted by G & Y may unintentionally produce similar results as proposed by customers, which may result in misunderstandings or disputes with a customer.

  • G & Y shall assume no responsibility for keeping secret the contents of any Proposal submitted by a customer.
  • G & Y shall assume no responsibility for studying, evaluating or adopting any Proposal submitted by a customer.
  • G & Y shall assume no responsibility even if G & Y adopts the same or similar contents of any proposal submitted by a customer.


In using this Website, the following acts shall be prohibited.

  • Any act that causes G & Y Vision or any third party to suffer any disadvantages or damage, or any act that raises the fear of the same.
  • Any act defaming the reputation of G & Y or any third party.
  • Any act violating public order and morals, or any act that raises the fear of the same.
  • Any criminal act or any act leading to criminal activity, or any act that raises the fear of the same.
  • Any act that involves submitting false applications or notices, such as registering the personal information of others.
  • Any act that involves using or providing harmful programs such as computer virus, or any act that raises the fear of the same.
  • Any other act that violates any law, regulation or ordinance, or any act that raises the fear of the same.
  • Any other act that G & Y deems inappropriate.


While G & Y uses the greatest possible care in posting information on this Website, G & Y makes no guarantee concerning the accuracy, appropriateness, safety, usefulness, etc., of such information. Moreover, G & Y shall assume no responsibility for any damage arising out of the use of this Website. Please note that G & Y may change information on this Website without notice, and may suspend or discontinue the operation of this Website without notice. G & Y shall assume no responsibility for any damage arising out of any change to the information on this Website, or the suspension or discontinuation of the operation of this Website for any reason whatsoever.

Changes in Terms of Use

G & Y may change these Terms of Use without notice. As we will notify customers of any changes to the Terms of Use determined by G & Y by reflecting such changes in these Terms of Use on the Website, customers should check the latest contents periodically. G & Y shall assume no responsibility for any damage arising out of any change to the information

Privacy policy


G & Y Policy Concerning the Handling of Information Related to Personal Privacy G & Y Corporation highly regards the right of customers of G & Y products and services and customers who are viewers of this Website to protect their personal privacy. G & Y also considers that the use of personal information and other related information must be based on the intentions of a customer. G & Y will closely adhere to this policy whenever we may ask customers to submit personal information or other related information in some sections of this Website (inquiries, requests for demonstration visits, requests for catalogs, customer registration, etc.). In the event the customer provides G & Y with personal information or other related information such as the name, address, telephone number, email address, etc., G & Y may use this information to answer any inquiries, meet any requirements, or provide information on new products and services.

  • About Personal Information
  • Purpose of use of Personal Information
  • Protection and management of Personal Information
  • Cookies
  • Please keep in kind ..
  • Changes in the Privacy Policy

1.About Personal Information

On the customer name, mail address, company name, address, telephone and fax number, these information offered by customer on the G & Y site.

2.Purpose of use of Personal Information

G & Y shall use personal information provided by customers only for;

  • 2-1.Appropriate purposes, such as performing our contractual responsibilities to customers,
  • 2-2.Developing further enhanced products and services and providing customers with further useful information.

3.Protection and management of Personal Information

Access to databases, etc., relating to personal information shall be limited to those with proper authorization, and strict management shall be provided to prevent any improper usage of such information even within the company.

4. Cookies

G & Y may use technology called cookies at its Website. Cookies are text files of user information that are stored through the browser and used to provide appropriate information to customers. Your browser provides the option to accept or refuse any cookie, or to display a warning message when cookies are transmitted. Cookies are not to collect personal information.

5. Please keep in kind ...

G & Y Websites include links to Websites other than those of G & Y. G & Y assumes no responsibility for the privacy policies of such outside links, nor the contents of such Websites.

6. Changes in the Privacy Policy

G & Y may change this privacy policy without notice. As we will notify customers of any changes to the privacy policy determined by G & Y by reflecting such changes in this privacy policy on the Website, customers should check the latest contents periodically.